Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for your continuous help and support. I know we are living in very surreal times.

It is really refreshing to hear from you either via phone or email, that usually makes my day.

You all have always contributed to the maintenance of our churches, some through Standing Orders and others via envelopes or cash.

The standing orders are still coming into our account. Others have already started giving online on the Diocesan Website, which is truly appreciated.

I know that some families in our parish might be in financial difficulties and not be able to donate, so they should not feel obliged to do so.

Some are setting aside envelope donations, week by week, in hope to return them once we are back to church. That is a good practice too.

If you can  and would like to continue your contribution to our parish please consider giving  your usual Sunday donation through:

ONLINE DONATION on the Diocesan Website:

Scroll down to find the ‘Donate’ button and follow the instructions on the Catholic Diocese of Northampton InvestMyCommunity for one-off or monthly donations. Please ensure the parish name and area, e.g. SJHN, High Wycombe, that the donation is intended for is indicated in the notes section of the donate page.  Please include your full name too .


STANDING ORDER via donor’s own bank:

You can also set up a standing order for donations to the parish using either your online bank account or in branch. The information required to make the donation is as follows.

Bank: NatWest
Sort Code: 60-06-11
Account Number: 46898093
Account Name: Northampton Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust
Payment Ref: Parish of St John Henry Newman, High Wycombe

Parish 200 Club

You can also join our Parish 200 Club. To become a member you pay £1 per month, or you can pay quarterly or annually. A draw is made at the end of every month. Download and complete the form, and you will be issued with a number and a card. At present the prize money is £50 per month, but additional members will increase the prize pool.

Thank you for your generosity!


Click on the following link to download and print a Gift Aid Form. Once you complete your form please return it to the Parish Office.



For any inquiry about legacies to the Parish please speak with the Parish Priest.