Blessed John Henry Newman
Saint John Henry Newman

Welcome to the website of the Catholic Parish of St John Henry Newman, which was founded on 1st October 2010, by the Rt. Rev. Peter Doyle, then Bishop of Northampton.

We consist of two Catholic churches: St Wulstan’s church in Totteridge and Our Lady of Grace church in Booker.

We are part of the R C Diocese of Northampton whose bishop is the Rt. Rev. David Oakley.

Our Parish Newsletter

Our newsletter is an important document which brings to our parishioners all the latest information, including:

  • Times of Masses and devotions at our two churches.
  • Readings and prayers.
  • Parish and Diocesan notices and news.
  • Contact details.

TO DOWNLOAD OR VIEW the most recent Newsletter, simply click the link at the top right of this web site.

The month of October is dedicated to

The Holy Rosary

The Holy Father’s intention for October:

For a shared mission

Let us pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people.

Mass Times

For this week’s Mass times, please view the newsletter

1st Wednesday of every month from 1.00pm

Do come along on the 1st Wednesday of the month, whatever your age (18-80+!), for a time of chat, games and refreshments from 1.00pm onwards. A contribution of £2 is requested to cover the cost of refreshments. Come and join in this successful event and have a fun afternoon.


Pictures of diocesan events can be found here. They are all kept in albums on the diocesan Flickr page: You do not need an account or to register in any way just click the album and look at the photo’s.

Consider joining online to follow the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies or Diocesan Certificate in Religious Studies? Both courses offer the same eight modules in Scripture and Catholic Theology with the CCRS leading to a nationally recognised qualification. Those who follow the CCRS/DCRS say they gain a great deal from the course, deepening their knowledge and understanding of their faith. To find out more about the course, contact Ann Collon E-mail:

or visit our website:

The Diocesan Safeguarding Office have produced an annual report. Please follow this link to access it.

Priory Grounds. There will be a short service at the site of the original Holy House.

Northern France 2024 Rome/Assisi

In October 2024, as part of the year of prayer, our diocese have organised a pilgrimage to Lisieux, Chartres and Paris. You are invited to join Bishop David Oakley and Canon John Udris on this pilgrimage of prayer. Bookings open on Monday 18th March and places are limited. For more information visit

Rome/Assisi 2025

In March 2025, as part of the Jubilee year with the theme of ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, our diocese has organised a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi. You are invited to join Bishop David Oakley on this Jubilee pilgrimage of prayer. Bookings open on Monday 18th March and places are limited. For more information visit

The Bishops Conference for England and Wales International Affairs department have released a new document offering a Catholic approach to arms control and disarmament titled ‘Called to be Peacemakers’ Read the document here

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published a document on Friday 17 May regarding the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena. The document tightens the guidance on recognising supernatural phenomena such as apparitions. The new guidance replaces those presented in 1978. The new norms instruct diocesan Bishops not to act independently on such matters but rather to work in consultation with the Vatican. 

Read the document here

This week the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a new declaration on human dignity, ‘Dignitas Infinita’. The Prefect for the Dicastery stresses 

“its aim is to offer some points for reflection that can help us maintain an awareness of human dignity amid the complex historical moment in which we are living. This is so that we may not lose our way and open ourselves up to more wounds and profound sufferings amid the numerous concerns and anxieties of our time”.

You can read the document here:

Furher Information:

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of The Faith, with approval from Pope Francis has issued a declaration on the pastoral meaning of blessings. Cardinal Cupich, the Archbishop of Chicago has said:

“At the heart of the declaration is a call for priests to take a pastoral approach to being available to people, who recognise the need for God’s help and presence in their lives, without claiming a legitimation of their particular status. As such, the Declaration is a step forward” 

Please read the document thoroughly here:

Our prayer resources for Lent and the Year of Prayer has been updated here

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa OFM, preacher to the Papal houselhold, has written a prayer for the Year of prayer 

Spirit Paraclete,

thou who hast raised up in the Church the Charismatic Renewal,
descend again with power On all the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the world.

Grant that the whole “current of grace” be animated with new momentum.

With your holy anointing, enable all of us to proclaim the good news to the poor and to heal afflicted hearts.

Purify what is unclean in the Charismatic Renewal, Heal what is wounded in it,
Warm what is chilled,Straighten what is astray.

Bring together the scattered children of God and Christians divided among them.

Renew our courage,fill our loneliness in the world,
create in us intimacy with God!

Come, Holy Spirit, from the pierced side of Christ on the cross! Come from the mouth of the Risen One! Come and renew the face of the Church. Amen

His Em. Card. Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa O.F.M. Cap.

After a year devoted to reflecting on the documents and studying the fruits of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis has proposed that 2024 should be marked as a year dedicated to prayer. In preparation for the Jubilee, parishes are invited to promote initiatives to remind people of the centrality of both individual prayer and community prayer. 

Jubilee Year

Year of the Council

2024: Year of prayer

The Holy Father has called on leaders at COP28 to do more and prevent the climate crisis from causing more damage to communities who did the least to cause it.Write to your MP to share Pope Francis’ important message ahead of the UN climate talks.

The institute consists of 40+ online courses accessed through a dedicated app. The UK now has a dedicated Director and forum within the institute. If you would like to find out more and try it out for three months free (with optional cancellation at any time and no obligation to pay) please visit

Each month the spirituality committee of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales share reflections on the Psalms.

Agenzia Fides

Here is the link to the Catholic Church Statistics for 2023.

Conflict in the Middle East – CAFOD

Cardinals Statement 

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has issued a statement on the killings in the Church compound of the Catholic Parish of the Holy Family in Gaza City: “I am heartbroken at the information provided by Cardinal Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, of killings in the Church compound of the Catholic Parish of the Holy Family in Gaza City. I have immediately sent a message to His Eminence, expressing my horror at these events and assuring him of the prayers of Catholics in England and Wales. “I have twice been warmly welcomed to this parish by its people. They are a remarkable community of faith and genuine service to their neighbours. Together with the dedicated Religious Sisters, they have continued to provide shelter and sustenance to many people during these weeks of warfare. They are a people who yearn for peace. “The information provided by the Cardinal, gives a picture of seemingly deliberate and callous killing by IDF soldiers of innocent civilians: an elderly woman and her daughter in the grounds of a church. This killing has to stop. It can never be justified. “I ask all people of faith and goodwill to continue to pray for an end to this conflict by all sides.”

Cardinal Vincent Nichols
President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales 

16 December 2023

CAFOD have produced three ways we can respond; prayer, donating and sending a message to our Foreign Secretary. Find out more here

Here is the link to the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa pastoral letter sent to his Diocese.


You may be interested in this snapshot overview of the impact of the war in the Holy Land. The data, provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs was published on 13 November.

CSAN, Caritas Social Action Network have published this statement on the conflict 

Two Apostolic Exhortations

Laudato Deum : Pope Francis has followed up on his 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si with another document focussed on the current ecological situation in our world. It is worth reading either the full document

Or a summary from Bishops Conference here

C’est La Confiance

This exhortation was given to mark the 150th anniversary of St Therese of the Child Jesus birthday. As the Church prepares for 2025, the Holy Year or Jubilee year, with 2024, a Year of Prayer, it might give you some inspiration to draw on this wonderful young saint as an example of confident prayer for the year ahead.

Our Parish Report

To learn more about the Synod click on the picture below

Guidance for Parishioners attending Mass in our churches

A full explanation of the procedures and precautions that are necessary in and around our churches can be found on our COVID-19 page.

Latest updates appear in our Newsletter, which can be downloaded from the link at the top of this page.

Live streaming from our Cathedral in Northampton

Those who happen to isolate for various reasons will be able to connect with our Cathedral in Northampton and join the live stream on:

Northampton Cathedral – Pastor in Rīga

The daily Mass readings, provided by Universalis, can also be read on our Liturgy web page


My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
As You are already there, I embrace You and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.

based on a prayer by St Alphonsus Liguori



Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us
in the day of battle.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the heavenly
host, by the power of God, thrust down
to hell Satan and all the wicked spirits who wander through
the world for the ruin of souls.


V. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful.

R/ And kindle in them the fire of Your love.

V. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created.

R/ And You will renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray. O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His holy consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen


V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.

R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.

            Hail Mary…

V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.

R. Be it done to me according to thy word.

Hail Mary…

V. And the Word was made flesh.

R. And dwelt amongst us.

            Hail Mary…

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

   Let us pray:  Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.  


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for your continuous help and support. I know we are living in very surreal times.

You all have always contributed to the maintenance of our churches, some through Standing Orders and others via envelopes or cash. But among the impacts of COVID-19, some ways of contributing have become more difficult.

The standing orders are still coming into our account. Others have already started giving online on the Diocesan Website, which is truly appreciated.

I know that some families in our parish might be in financial difficulties and not be able to donate, so they should not feel obliged to do so.

Our DONATE page lists the ways in which you can continue your contribution to our parish. These include an online donation on the Diocesan website, a standing order via the donor’s own bank, and our 200 Club. All necessary links and details are included.


Thank you for your generosity!

Our Patron: Saint John Henry Newman

Blessed John Henry Newman

In October 2010, the parishes of St Wulstan’s in Totteridge and of Our Lady of Grace in Booker were merged together into one parish & the chapels of St Edmund Campion in Hazlemere and St James’ the Great in Downley were joined to the new parish.

The new Parish was dedicated to the XIX Century English cardinal, Saint John Henry Newman, who was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI during his State Visit to the UK on 19th September 2010. He was subsequently canonised by Pope Francis on 13th October 2019 at St Peter’s in the Vatican State.

Learn more about Saint John Henry Newman