Please explore our various Groups below. You can click on the links to read about them in greater detail.
We hope you will find one or more groups to suit you!
Liturgy, Evangelisation and Education
Evangelisation, Education and Catechesis (PIDT)
Purpose of Group : To facilitate or arrange events which promote evangelisation, education in our faith and catechesis.
Children’s Liturgy Group – 11am Mass, Our Lady of Grace
Purpose of Group : To provide children from the age of 3 up to First Communion age with a children’s liturgy at the 11 am Mass.
Children’s Liturgy Group – 9am Mass, St Wulstan’s
Purpose of Group : To bring the word of God to children at their own level through reflection, discussion and other activity.
Liturgy Group (PIDT)
Purpose of Group : To support and advise the Parish Priest on matters of Liturgy, to explore new liturgies and organise such events.
Children’s Liturgy Group – 5pm (Sat eve) Vigil Mass, Our Lady of Grace
Purpose of Group : To bring the word of God to children at their own level through reflection, discussion and other activity.
Bible Study Groups
Social and Other Groups
Social and Culture (PIDT)

Purpose of Group : We plan and implement activities to enable parishioners to socialise together and have fun.
The Source Community
Purpose of Group : We are to be an example of a lay community that helps bring about parish renewal locally and inspire others to raise up similar communities in other parishes.
Choir and Music Groups
Music – 11am Mass Choir, Our Lady of Grace
Purpose of Group : To lead the singing at 11am Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Grace Church.
Music – 9am Mass Choir, St Wulstan’s

Purpose of Group : To provide music to enhance worship at the 9am Sunday Mass at St Wulstan's and other services as required.
Music – 5pm Vigil Mass Choir, Our Lady of Grace
Purpose of Group : To provide music for Vigil Mass at OLG
Church Buildings and Upkeep
Parish Projects Technical Committee.
Purpose of Group : Provide the parish priest with expert support regarding the technical and project management aspects of parish buildings developments and improvements.
Charitable Groups
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)

Purpose of Group : The SVP is a lay Christian organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing practical assistance to those in need.

Purpose of Group : To raise money for CAFOD with boxes, Gift Aid envelopes and Sunday refreshments. We especially collect for Connect to Brazil, where we support communities in Sao Paulo.
Bega kwa Bega Uganda

Purpose of Group : A charity seeking funding to improve the living conditions of villagers in Uganda, in particular orphans and vulnerable children and those who care for them.