Communications Team (PIDT)

Contact: Zbigniew "Bish" Boniszewski

Membership Criteria: An interest in ensuring that BJHN parishioners and the wider community are served by good quality information delivered using various media,

Meetings Time & Location: Approximately every 6 weeks (arranged at each meeting). Usually a Monday, 7.30pm, St Wulstan's Parish Room.

Purpose of Group: Support the parish priest and parish groups by helping them use various media effectively to provide relevant, clear, accurate and timely communications to our parishioners and to the wider community.

Activities of Group: Oversee the production of parish newsletter and calendar, the parish website, the"Parish Update" (semi-annual review of parish life), the new parishioner "Welcome Pack", the Parish Census, PST communications, etc.

The work of Communications

Communications originate from various groups of the parish, and from the parish office. The Communications Team largely focuses on:

  • reviewing ongoing communications
  • improving the quality of communications
  • creating new means and capabilities for communication
  • advising the parish priest and parish groups on effective communication
  • ensuring that parishioners are being heard as well as informed

Projects of the Communications Team

  1. Launch the new Parish Website
  2. Complete the Parish Welcome Pack
  3. Complete the Parish Census
  4. Make the Parish Update publication (of Parish Life) an ongoing, repeatable and manageable process
  5. Ensure that parishioners are made aware of the key messages and news of the PST
  6. Review how the parish presents itself to the wider community and identify opportunities

To Contact this Group:

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Contact Phone Number:

Your message:

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